Pancake Breakfast

A number of folks upset about the Board of Trustees and recent events at the Bridger Canyon Fire Department have wondered what they should do about the pancake breakfast at the fire department tomorrow morning. Should they go? Should they somehow protest what’s been going on? While there are a lot of nuances to these issues, we believe the short answer is of course you should go. Sincere volunteers in any effort should be appreciated and supported for the work they do and the time they put in to provide service to the community. Are there problems at the BCFD? Of course there are, but this is not the time to discuss those.

The theme in the advertisement for the pancake breakfast is “Honoring the firefighters, past, present, and future.” Given that they canceled the breakfast originally scheduled during the time the BCXFD firefighters were temporarily back on the job due to a court order, we wonder how much honoring of the past firefighters the organizers intend to do tomorrow. But, if you are a supporter of the BCXFD, we encourage you to attend the breakfast and show your support of not only the current volunteers but also the BCXFD volunteers and their over 60 years of combined service in whatever way makes the most sense to you.